Биосфералық резерваттар бойынша 4-ші Дүниежүзілік конгресс Перудың Лима қаласында 2016 жылы 14-17 наурыз аралығында өтті. Бұл шара ЮНЕСКО-ның «Адам және биосфера» (MAБ) бағдарламасының ұлттық комитеттерінің және биосфералық резерваттардағы тәжірибелік жұмыстарға тікелей қатысы бар сарапшылардың жаһандық кездесуі болып табылады.
Конгресс Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымының тұрақты даму мақсаттары мен «Post 2015»даму бағдарламасына қатыстыәртүрлі мәселелерді қарастырды, мысалы, тұрақты дамуға арналған білім, табиғат қорғау жүйелердің экономикалық тұрақтылығы, адам көші-қоны және табиғи ресурстарды қорғау және басқа да тақырыптар.
4 адамнан тұратын қазақстандық делегация қатысты. Қазақстан Республикасы делегациясының басшысы - МАБ-тың Қазақ ұлттық комитетінің төрағасы және ЮНЕСКО МАБ-тың Азия және Тынық мұхиты бойынша вице-президенті Р.В. Ященко (биология ғылымдарының докторы, әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ профессоры). Конгресс барысында қазақстандық делегация мүшелері пленарлық және секциялық отырыстарда бірнеше баяндамалар жасайды.
Конгрестің ұйымдастыру комитеттерінің құрамы және күн тәртібі төменде келтірілген.
Биосфералық резерваттардың 4-ші Дүниежүзілік конгресі
Келесі онжылдыққа арналған 2016-2025 жылдарға арналған жаңа көзқарас: тұрақты даму үшін ЮНЕСКО-ның биосфералық резерваттары
Өткізу мерзімі: 2016 жылғы 14-17 наурыз
Өтетін жері: Лима, Перу.
Hon. Mr. Ollanta Humala, President of Peru
Hon. Mrs. Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Director-General
Hon. Ms. Ana María Sánchez de Ríos, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru
Hon. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of Environment of Peru
Hon. Mr. Luis Castañeda Lossio, Mayor of Lima
- Mr. Sergio Guevara Sada (Mexico), President of the International Coordinating Council (ICC) of the MAB Programme
- H.E. Mr. José Manuel Rodriguez Cuadros, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Peru to UNESCO
- Ms. Flavia Schlegel, Assistant Director General for Natural Sciences of UNESCO
- Mr. Han Qunli, Director of the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences and Secretary of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme
- Mr. Pedro Gamboa Moquillaza, Director of the National Service of State-Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP) of the Ministry of Environment of Peru and President of the Peruvian MAB Committee
- Mr. Daniel Amlalo, Vice President of the ICC (Ghana)
- Mr. Pavlo Cherinko, Vice President of the ICC (Ukraine)
- Mr. Roman Jashenko, Vice President of the ICC (Kazakhstan)
- Ms. Boshra Salem, Vice President of the ICC (Egypt)
- Mr. Martin Price, Rapporteur of the ICC (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Mr Pedro Leon, Administrative Director of SERNANP
- Mrs. Rosario Barrera, Technical Secretary of the Peruvian MAB Committee, SERNANP
- Mr. Miguel Clüsener-Godt, Senior Programme Specialist, International Secretariat of the MAB Programme
- Ms. Magali Robalino Campos, UNESCO Representative in Peru
- Ms. María Rosa Cárdenas Tomazic, International Secretariat of the MAB Programme
- Mr. Ignacio Cancino, UNESCO Office in Lima
- Mr. Alberto Hernández Salinas, International Secretariat of the MAB Programme
- Mrs. Kremena Nikolova, International Secretariat of the MAB Programme
- Mr. Jonathan Baker, UNESCO Office in Montevideo
- Mr. Jorge Ellis, UNESCO Office in Quito
08:00-10:00 Registration and collection of working documents
10:00-11:00 Opening ceremony presided over by the President of the Republic of Peru
- Art performance
Opening speeches:
- Hon. Mrs. Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Director-General
- Hon. Mr. Luis Castañeda Lossio, Mayor of Lima
- Hon. Sergio Guevara Sada, President of the International Coordinating Council (ICC) of the MAB Programme
- Hon. Ms. Ana María Sánchez de Ríos, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Peru
- Hon. Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, Minister of Environment of Peru
- Hon. Mr. Ollanta Humala, President of Peru
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-12:00 Key note speech on biosphere reserves in view with the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) agreements
12:00-12:15 Key note speech by Mr. Pedro Gamboa Moquillaza, Director of the National Service of State-Protected Natural Areas (SERNANP) about the MAB Programme in Peru and its importance for the sustainable development of the country
12:15-13:00 Screening of a documentary film on natural areas in Peru
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Plenary session:
- Presentation of the five working papers based on the 5 Strategic Action Areas of the MAB Strategy by Ms. Flavia Schlegel, Assistant Director General for Natural Sciences of UNESCO
a) The World Network of Biosphere Reserves (WNMR): effective functioning model sites for sustainable development
b) Inclusive, dynamic and results-oriented collaboration and networking within MAB and the WNBR
c) Effective external partnerships and sufficient and sustainable funding for MAB and the WNBR
d) Comprehensive, modern, open and transparent communication, information and data sharing
e) Effective governance of and within MAB and the WNBR (new MAB Strategy)
- Presentation of the Lima Action Plan (LAP Drafting Committee)
- Additional comments on the LAP (President of the MAB-ICC )
16:30-18:30 Presentation of ten biosphere reserves case studies, 2 per region
(10 mins): AfriMAB, ArabMAB, Asia MAB , EuroMaB, IberoMAB
18:30-18:45 Screening of a documentary film on biosphere reserves in Peru
19:00-20:30 Welcoming cocktail for all participants with local products from Peru
09:00-9:30 Plenary session: Introduction to the 3 series of workshops
9:30-11:00 7 Workshops of the MAB Regional Networks (IberoMAB, EuroMAB, AfriMAB, EABRN, PacMAB&SeaBRnet, SACAM) on the working papers and the LAP.
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Continuation of the 7 Workshops of the MAB Regional Networks on the working papers and the LAP.
13:00-15:00 Lunch
- 15:00-16:00 7 Workshops on specific themes (climate change, mountains, drylands, forests, urban areas, islands and coastal zones, ecological restoration) on the working documents and the LAP
- 16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Continuation of the 7 Workshops on specific themes
18:00 Poster session
09:00-11:00 7 Workshops on specific themes (governance, economics in and around BRs, scientific networking, youth engagement, the ‘biosphere reserve’ brand, tourism, extractive industry) in the working documents and the LAP
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Continuation of the 7 Workshops on specific themes
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:00 13-14 side events (see table attached)
16:00-16:30 Coffee break
16:30-18:00 Continuation of the 13-14 side events
18:30 – 19:00 Departure of buses to the cultural event
19:00 Cultural event
09:00-11:00 Plenary session: Presentation and discussion of the results of the workshops and the latest LAP draft
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:00 Continuation of the presentation and discussion of the latest LAP draft
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-17:00 Implementation of the Lima Action Plan: Roadmap
Endorsement of the LAP
Lima Declaration
17:30-18:00 Closing Ceremony by the Minister of Environment or the Director of SERNANP and UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences
18:00-19:00 Farewell cocktail
Sightseeing tours around Lima for congress attendees who are not members of the ICC
04:30 Departure to Paracas
07:00 Departure to Pachacamac
08:30 Departure to the city of Lima
The additional information is available on official website of the Congress: http://www.ivcongresomundialreservabiosfera.pe/index.php/en/